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The Candida Protocol

Targeting Candida Overgrowth

Our protocol utilizes a specialized chitin inhibitor, designed to target Candida effectively. Progressively loading Lufenuron into the fatty tissues of your body will build up and breaking holes in the chitin cell wall of the Candida, allowing your immune system to kill it off.

Pre treatment

In preparation for the Candida Protocol, we strongly recommend a two-week cleanse and conditioning phase to significantly enhance your results. Consider incorporating any of the following natural detox methods: Epsom salt baths, oil pulling, herbal teas like dandelion root or milk thistle, lemon water fasting, or activated charcoal. If you’re interested in using activated charcoal, we advise consulting with a naturopath for proper usage.

Throughout the course of treatment, it’s crucial to maintain a diet free from sugar, carbohydrates, and alcohol for optimal results. Focus on consuming whole foods and reducing processed foods as much as possible. This approach will provide your body with essential nutrients while minimizing ingredients that could feed Candida. Increase your water intake to support your body’s natural detoxification processes.

To support your gut health, introduce high-quality probiotics to promote the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria. You may also want to add prebiotics to nourish these good bacteria and help regulate your gut microbiota. If possible, avoid antibiotics, especially in the two weeks before and after treatment, as they can disrupt the balance we’re trying to achieve.

Focus on managing stress through techniques like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises. Ensure you’re getting adequate, quality sleep to support your body’s natural healing processes. Remember, this preparation phase is crucial for maximizing the effectiveness of the Candida Protocol and minimizing potential die-off symptoms. By following these guidelines, you’re setting a strong foundation for a successful treatment journey. Start with the changes that feel most manageable for you, and gradually incorporate more as you feel comfortable.

Post Treatment

After completing the Candida Protocol and effectively addressing the overgrowth, it’s crucial to maintain a healthy body environment to prevent Candida from returning. Continue to focus on a balanced diet, limiting sugar and refined carbohydrates while emphasizing whole, nutrient-dense foods. Including fermented foods in your diet can further support your gut health. It’s beneficial to continue taking high-quality probiotics to maintain a healthy gut microbiome, which plays a vital role in keeping Candida in check.

Stress management remains an important aspect of your post-treatment routine. Regular practice of stress-reduction techniques will support your immune system and overall health. Incorporate regular physical activity into your lifestyle, as exercise boosts overall health and immune function. Stay well-hydrated by maintaining adequate water intake, which supports ongoing detoxification processes.

Pay close attention to your body and monitor for any recurring symptoms, addressing them promptly if they arise. In some cases of systemic Candida overgrowth, a second treatment likely recommended. If you’re unsure, consult with a naturopath to determine if this is necessary for your situation.

Long-term lifestyle changes are key to preventing future Candida issues. This might include adjusting your diet, managing stress more effectively, or improving sleep habits. Remember, maintaining balance is crucial to preventing future Candida overgrowth. If you experience recurring symptoms despite these measures, don’t hesitate to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice. By following these post-treatment guidelines, you’re taking proactive steps to maintain your health and prevent Candida from regaining a foothold in your system.

Symptoms of Candida “die-off”

Lufenuron itself has no known side effects. However, as you reach the die-off phase during the protocol, you may experience what’s known as “die-off” or Herxheimer reaction. This occurs as Candida cells break down, releasing toxins that can temporarily intensify symptoms.

Common Die-Off Symptoms:

  • Fatigue or lethargy
  • Brain fog or difficulty concentrating
  • Nausea or digestive discomfort
  • Bloating or gas
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Skin issues (rashes, itching)
  • Muscle or joint soreness
  • Sore throat or Flu-like symptoms

The severity of die-off symptoms can vary based on several factors, including the extent of Candida overgrowth, your immune system’s strength, and environmental and emotional stress levels. These symptoms can last from one day to one week and may come and go throughout the Lufenuron treatment. However, as your body becomes stronger, your susceptibility to Candida toxins is reduced, and as a result, so are your die-off symptoms.

Managing die-off symptoms is crucial for your comfort during the treatment. Stay well-hydrated to help flush toxins from your system and ensure you get plenty of rest. While uncomfortable, die-off symptoms are often a sign that the protocol is working. However, if symptoms are severe or prolonged, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional.

Remember, everyone’s experience with Candida die-off can be different. By understanding what to expect and how to manage symptoms, you can navigate this phase of treatment more comfortably and confidently.

What is Lufenuron?

Lufenuron, a chitin inhibitor, is the key component in our Candida Protocol, offering an innovative approach to addressing Candida overgrowth. Lufenuron works through a unique mechanism, targeting the outer protective shell of Candida (Chitin). It is not metabolized or eliminated by the liver or kidneys, but instead is stored in fatty tissues and gradually released. This property allows it to prevent chitin formation, effectively weakening Candida’s cell walls over an extended period.

As a fat-soluble compound, Lufenuron’s gradual release allows for sustained action against Candida, making it particularly effective in our protocol. One of its notable features is its safety profile – Lufenuron does not interact with or harm beneficial gut bacteria, instead supporting your body’s natural immune response against Candida. We carefully source and quality-control our Lufenuron, making it available through our website.

It’s important to note that while Lufenuron is effective, it is not FDA approved for human use in treating Candida. Originally developed as a veterinary remedy, we always recommend consulting with a naturopath or healthcare professional before starting any new treatment regimen. Lufenuron’s unique approach in targeting Candida’s cell structure makes it a valuable tool in our comprehensive Candida Protocol, working alongside dietary and lifestyle changes for optimal results. This innovative method offers a promising solution for those struggling with Candida overgrowth, complementing a holistic approach to restoring balance to your body’s ecosystem.

22 thoughts on “Our Protocol”

  1. Hello I’ve been dealing with fungal overgrowth most likely since I was small. I have had other gut infections and found out my IgA levels are very low, which means my immune system isnt working properly. I’m just curious if this product would work for me considering my weak immune system. I have been taking supplements to raise my IgA levels but have not retested to see if my levels gave gone up. I’ve been on Nystatin imgur weeks now but everytime to try to stop I end up with a whole array of symptoms.
    Any info would be great.

  2. It may take a few weeks to cure your candida, even after you think that you are completely cured, I would still continue with focus on your diet for at least another 3 months just in case the candida re populates.Its always present in your body and can come back if you go back to your old routine.

  3. Just got my two bottles from you. I’m 300 lbs. I know the protocol calls for 4 capsules over 5 days for each loading period. Would I need 5 or 6 capsules because of my weight? Also, I am planning on eating salami and peanut butter for the fat. How much of this would I have to eat for each day of loading? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks !!

  4. Hello, For the 10 grams of fat required I was wondering if olive oil is okay as two teaspoons of olive oil contains 9 grams of fat. Can taking a couple of teaspoons of olive oil with your meal work?

  5. Christian Stensmur

    I have problems with candida after I was exposed to mold. Which lead to me getting CIRS, mold allergi. When ever I’m really exposed again, I get a candida overgrowth and infections. Have u any experience of using Lufenuron as a treatment in this cases?

  6. victoria campbell

    those who wish to do the routine back-to-back, so just to clarify, you advise 1 round, followed by a 20 day break, then repeat twice?
    many thanks

  7. If I take symbicort inhaler which is a steroid should I get off of that while doing the protocol? I’m just curious because I’ve heard that steroids cause you to have yeast infections and affect your immune system.

  8. RE: healthy fats – flaxseed oil:
    When consuming flaxseed oil, do I take 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil with each pill? The recommendation on the bottle says that flaxseed oil can be taken up to two tablespoons a day while taking 4 pills a day.

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